The Original Black Woman: The Original and TRUE Standard of Beauty


Since it has been proven to be a fact that the Original Black Woman is the first woman God made, it would make sense that she would be the first and original standard of beauty. The Black Woman is the creatress of beauty and fashion trends that are still followed by ALL women around the world today. Dr. Ishakamusa Baranshango author of Afrikan Woman, The Original Guardian Angel states:

The standards and trends of physical beauty as manifested in feminine physique, hair styles, cosmetics, and fashions were first set  by the original Black Woman. For she collectively held the position of Ms. Universe for untold successive generations. Yes overwhelming archeological, anthropological, and historical documentation has revealed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Afrikan woman was the first beauty queen on earth and the adoration of her exquisite comeliness so inspired the imagination of  human creative thought that she was projected into the heavens.

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The Black Woman is the first model and standard of the feminine physique. Dr. Baranshango explains:

The Original Black Woman represented the epitome of graciousness. The sublime elegance of her corn-rowed or bushy hair, the dignity of her facial comeliness with her broad nose and delectable full lips and the awe-inspiring curves of her voluptuous form was the subject of artist all over the world around 40,000 years ago.


Furthermore, the Black Woman was revered and worshiped as a living goddess; she is the physical manifestation of God. According to Dr. Baranshango:

For long extended periods  of human history, the whole world revered and literally worshiped the Afrikan Woman. In fact, the first sacerdotal objects of veneration were replicas of the female anatomy. In terms of historical reality, all religious symbols, i.e. the cross, the star, and the crescent, the star of David, etc., can be traced back to the Black Woman’s body because she was regarded by the ancients as the supreme divine vessel of life.

Lastly, the late great Pan-African scholar and Ancestor, Dr. Yusef Ben Jochannon stated:

The Afrikan Woman is still the real standard of beauty in the world today.


Baranshango, I., Rev. Afrikan Woman: The Original Guardian Angel. Washington, D.C.: IVth Dynasty Publishing Co., December, 1989.

The Black Madonnas of Europe

From Atlanta Black Star 

The Black Madonnas Of Europe: Miracle Workers and Holy Icons


La Moreneta.  Black Madonna and Child statue at Montserrat, Spain.  Date unknown.  Photo courtesy of Runoko Rashidi

Of all the varied aspects of African womanhood, none are more fascinating than the hundreds of representations of Black Madonnas. Indeed, the Black Madonnas of Europe are perhaps the most venerated icons in all of European Christendom. Their shrines have attracted millions of devotees. They are thought to be miracle workers, and their miracle-working powers are derived from their blackness.

In Russia during the nineteenth century, the celebrated Russian General Kutuzov had his army pray before the Black Madonna of Kazan before the historic battle with the Napoleonic army at Borodino. The same Madonna is said to have inspired Rasputin and may now be in the United States. At least two major paintings of Black Madonnas are on display in the Kremlin, in Moscow.

In reference to La Moreneta (the Little Black Lady), the Black Madonna of Montserrat, Spain – more than 1,000 years old and the patroness of the Catalonian region, it is said “He is not well wed who has not taken his wife to Montserrat.” She is in charge of sexuality and fertility, and presides over weddings and childbirth. In the mountains north of Barcelona, La Moreneta’s shrine has attracted millions of visitors, including pope John Paul II. Both Goethe and Schiller attached great importance to Montserrat.

Our Lady of the Pillar. Gothic Cathedral. Chartes, France.

France probably has more representations of Black Madonnas than any other country. France has more than 300 representations of Black Madonnas, a chief center of which is Chartres – a small quiet town about 85 kilometers southwest of Paris. The most notable of the Black Madonna images in Chartres is called Notre-Dame du Pilier (Our Lady of the Pillar). This representation, about a meter high, of a Black Madonna statue made of natural wood placed on a pillar holding the infant Jesus. Both the Madonna and Child are colored a very dark brown and are dressed in white robes embroidered with gold. The images are highly venerated, especially among Catholics, and I confess that even I, out of respect, got down on both knees during my two visits to the cathedral and whispered a prayer.

The cathedral at Chartres is a large and magnificent edifice more than 800 years old and possessing marvelous original blue stained glass windows, at least two of which have Black Madonna figures right in the center. A copy of an original Black Madonna statue stands in a crypt underneath the main cathedral.

Many believe that the Black Madonnas of Europe represent vestiges of the adoration of the African goddess Ast, better known as Isis. Notre Dame Cathedral, the Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris, considered a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and at the very center of Paris, was built directly over an ancient temple of this supreme African deity. Indeed, it has been noted the name of Paris itself is derived from Park of Isis.

The Black Virgin of Paris. Date unknown.  Photo by Runoko Rashidi

In the quiet Chapel of the Congregation of S. Thomas of Villeneuve in a serene setting in the Parisian suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, stands one of the most important of the Black Madonna statues. She is La Vierge Noire de Paris (the Black Virgin of Paris) and consists of a two meter-high standing statue, carved of a single block of hard limestone, of a smiling Black Madonna holding the Christ child (the infant wears closely cropped nappy blond hair) and wielding a kind of wand or scepter capped by the flour de lys – symbol of the French monarchy. Atop her head sits a gold crown embedded with precious stones. The statue is dressed in a gown of rich red, blue, and white colors, the colors of the French flag. The Christ child himself is holding a golden cross and the entire image is believed to be more than 500 years old, and probably replaced a much earlier one.

One of the most important Black Madonnas in France is Our Lady of Le Puy. Located in the southern part of France, the statue may have originally been that of Ast/Isis. At Le Puy pope Urban II held council to prepare for the First Crusade. Joan of Arc sent the knights that accompanied her from Vaucouleurs to Chinon, along with her mother and two brothers, to Le Puy to pray there.

Our Lady of Rocamadour, a Black Madonna carved of walnut wood, is believed to be more than 1,000 years old. She is said to resuscitate babies, protect sailors, free captives, and promote fertility. To reach her shrine in southwest France one must climb 216 steps. Among her more notable visitors have been St. Louis of France and Henry II of England.

Die Schwarze Madonna at Einsiedeln, Switzerland.

La Negre, the Black Madonna of Montpellier, is one of the most notable of the Black Madonnas of France. She is said to have been performing miracles since 878 and is believed to have saved Montpellier from drought and plague.

Other famous Black Madonnas are found scattered throughout Europe, with some of the most notable examples in Germany, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, and Poland. Of the hundreds of Black Madonnas which presently exist at assorted shrines in Europe, some are especially significant.

Our Lady of Hal, in the Church of St. Martin, just outside of Brussels, Belgium, dating from the early thirteenth century, is made of walnut, is believed to have defended the town on numerous occasions. Her visitors have included Henry VIII of England and Louis XII of France. The Black Madonna is believed to have saved Brussels from attackers in 1580, when she intercepted numerous cannon balls in her lap. The cannon balls can still be seen on display in the church. She is believed to heal sickness and restore the dead and buried to life. Her pilgrimage and procession are on the first Sunday in September.

Our Lady of the Hermits in Einsiedeln, Switzerland ranks as one of the most venerated of all Madonnas. Located in a Benedictine abbey, her titles include Die Schwarze Madonna, Madonna in the Dark Wood, and Our Dear Lady of Einsiedeln. She is a standing statue four feet tall. The Black Saint Maurice is one of the patrons of the Church.

Our Lady of Jasna Gora. Czestochowa, Poland.

And probably the most famous Black Madonna image in the world is Our Lady of Jasna Gora (dubbed the Queen of Poland by King John Casimir in 1656) in the Jasna Gora monastery at Czestochowa, Poland. Painted on three pieces of wood (either lime or cypress or cedar), the Black Madonna at Czestochowa, supposedly discovered in Jerusalem, arrived at the Jasna Gora monastery in the fourteenth century. Since her arrival her offerings have included thousands of diamonds and rubies, hundreds of pearls, and dozens of emeralds and sapphires.

Bruised, slashed, and battered, paraded before victorious armies, the Queen of Poland has gone through many restorations and has always kept her dark complexion. More than 800 copies of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa exist. Millions of visitors a year come to see her.

*Runoko Rashidi is an historian, lecturer and world traveler. He is the author of Black Star over Europe and African Star over Asia. To get information about Runoko, his tours, lectures and books, go to send request to

The Venus Figurines of Europe : c. 24,000-22,000 B.C.E.


As a child, I knew in my gut that there was information about these statues that we weren’t being told about. I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it and at the time I was at the height of European MIS-education. One thing I knew for sure is that these statues are shaped like Black Women, LOL! For the last few weeks I researched and put 2 and 2 together and sure enough these statues are in fact in the image of the Original Black Woman. How did they end up in Europe though? African people were the first peoples of Europe. YES! Africans were the first Europeans. They brought and established their culture and civilization (developed in Africa tens of thousands of years before) to the European continent. They were called the Grimaldi People (a name given to them by European scholars after a city by the same name in Italy) and they arrived in Europe 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. The Grimaldis are described as having very little natural “nappy” or woolly hair, body hair, black, smooth skin, ranged in height from medium to tall, and the facial features like West Africans. Numerous remains and artifacts, such as these statues were found in caves in Grimaldi, Italy.

The Grimaldi’s successors, the Iberians were another African peoples who migrated to Europe. They were shorter in stature, swarthy ( German word for Black), woolly haired, robust, and long-headed. Venus statues, the most famous known as the Venus of Willendorf, of the women of both groups  were found among remains and artifacts and they were  described  as “steotopygic” meaning in Greek as having a profound buttocks.  These statues have been found from Zimbabwe to western and eastern Europe. The most famous of the Venus statues, the Venus of Willendorf was unearthed in Willendorf , Austria in 1908. Dr. Ishakamusa Baranshango explains how the Grimaldis viewed the bodies of their women as sacred temples:

In their artistic creations, the Nubian-Grimaldi Put much emphasis on the divine manesfestations of the female anatomy; breast were the milk of life and the pillars of comfort, the amply endowed hips and posterior was one of the remarkable signs of beauty in the ancient world and the vagina was viewed as the portal of heaven, the Garden of Eden, the gateway to new life. All of these things were very sacred to the original Black Man.

venus frente

*Scroll Down to Read More*Historia_Medicina_Anatomia_ibaifit_Venus_Willendorf_Venus_Laussel_Venus_Lespugue

Venus of Polichinelle
               Venus of Polichinelle



Side Note: Dr. Baranshango clarifies that these figurines are misnomered the Venus of Willendorf or the Venus of this and that (something European) to hide their true origins.

The Khoisan Women of South Africa

Below are pictures of Khoisan Women of the Khoisan People of South Africa. I did a post on the most famous Khoisan, Sarah “Saartjie” Baartman, “The Hottentot Venus,” who is known to have suffered unimaginable abuse, exploitation, and humiliation because of her uniquely beautiful features. Like their predecessors, the Grimaldi and Iberian Women they are also “steotopygic.” All of this is overwhelming historical, archaeological, and anthropological evidence that large posteriors are ONLY an African genetic trait.

Steatopygia_Female          steatopygia-u           Woman_with_steatopygia   Woman_with_steatopygia SteatopygRaillet1895MeyerCh



willendorf hair                                                                THIS IS THE TRUTH RIGHT HERE!!!


Baranshango, I., Dr. (1983). Afrikan People and European Hoildays: A Mental Genocide, Book 2. IVth Dynasty Publishing Co. Washington, D.C.

Baranshango, I., Dr. (1989). Afrikan Woman: The Original Guardian Angel. IVth Dynasty Publishing Co. Washington, D.C.

Jaide, D. 1 2006 April. “Black Like the Ancient Europeans: The Black (First) Europeans,” The Rasta Live Wire, Retrieved from

European Fashions that Mimick the African Woman Body and Other Thoughts

I was inspired to do this post after the publishing of my post on the tragic story of Sarah “Saartjie” Baartman, “The Hottentot Venus” and after reading Umoja’s book,The Beauty Con Game, in which they discuss (in Chapter 8) the European’s obsession (especially the European Women) with the African Woman’s Body. Below are some pictures of European fashions that the “SUPERIOR” European Women wore to make it appear as if they had profound derrieres like that of the “INFERIOR” African Women.  I’m assuming that this was the first or one of the first attempt at White Women trying to obtain profound derrieres.

Polonaise Costumes, 1800s
Polonaise Costumes, 1800s
Polonaise Costumes, 1800s
Polonaise Costumes, 1800s
Polanaise Costume, 1883
Polanaise Costume, 1883

Sarah Baartman faced unimaginable abuse, exploitation, humiliation, and dehumanization at the hands of money hungry file European degenerates who literally treated her like a subhuman and caged animal. Sarah’s story still haunts Black/African Women today as our bodies continue to be objects of much public discussion, envy, ridicule, mockery, mimicry, abuse, etc.and GOT-DAMMIT I’M FUCKING SICK OF IT!!!  While many people consistently TRY to place the African Woman (especially the dark-skinned woman) in subhuman status, many “SUPERIOR” White Women are draining their bank accounts and putting their lives at risk to obtain the “INFERIOR” African Woman’s body. With the help and amazing power of White Supremacist media, White Women and their fellow white supremacist and Negro coon enablers can claim that “We (White Women) can have big butts, too!” and “Big butts are not just limited to Black Women!” * Eye rolls* Comments like this are seething with inferiority complexes and pure unadulterated jealousy cause people know subconsciously that the AFRICAN WOMAN’S BODY is the GENETIC BLUEPRINT OF THE FEMALE BODY,meaning the African/Black Woman (especially the dark-skinned black woman) IS the Original Woman and IS the genetic default of womanhood and femininity. They just can’t bring themselves to admit this truth!

While some White/Non-black Women have more curves than other White/Non-black Women, they NEVER HAVE and NEVER WILL HAVE the NATURAL CURVES LIKE THAT OF THE AFRICAN WOMAN or they will not see the need to continuously appropriating the African Woman body while claiming we are inferior. As an African Woman all of this is downright offensive and annoying and utterly PATHETIC!!!Some of you mothaphukas don’t like what I’m saying, well I don’t give several flying  phucks in hell!!!

Ki Toy Johson and Buffy the Body (Au Natural!)
Ki Toy Johnson and Buffy the Body, Au Naturel!
Ki Toy Johnson
Ki Toy Johnson
Ki Toy Johnson
Ki Toy Johnson
Buffy the Body
Buffy the Body
Buffy the Body
Buffy the Body

Then you have these Negro Coon Males who have brought into the false Euro beauty standards and so despise the man in the mirror and Black Women that they rather see a Black Woman’s Body on a Non-Black Woman. Late last year, I saw an episode of Inside Edition in which a Negro male plastic surgeon in L.A. basically built a Black Woman’s body onto the Non-Black Woman he was dating. (sic!) Some of these Negros have all the education money can buy, but ABSOLUTELY NO Knowledge of Self. In his warped mind, an African Woman’s body look better on a Non-Black Woman. These Negro Coon males are ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC!!!

Black Women, we are going to have to start having an OVERstanding why the African/Black Woman has to be demeaned and degraded in a system of white supremacy (racism). It’s definitely not because we are “ugly,” “undesirable,” “disagreeable,” “unfeminine,” or “worthless.” It is because the Black Woman IS the ORIGINAL (FIRST) Woman on the planet. The Black Woman IS the Mother of ALL. The Black Woman can create every woman (and man) on the planet, but none of them can create her (thus the theme of this blog, I Am/We Are Every Woman. The Black Woman IS the Mother of Civilization because the first and most successful civilizations on this planet was created and ruled by the Black Woman, making us the FIRST women to civilize the planet. The Black Woman IS the FIRST and ORIGINAL standard of beauty (and still is to many).  Black Women, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE can claim any of these titles. They belong to us and us only. They cannot be taken from us no matter how much the white supremacist and their Negro coons try. Black Women, all of this has been PROVEN by white historians, scientist, archaeologist, and anthropologists, but this truths have been hidden from us in order to place the White Woman on a false pedestal and TRY to bring the Black Woman down to subhuman status and feed into many whites DELUSIONS of superiority.

Black Women,  stop,  analyze,  study, and asks questions about this repulsive behavior toward Black Women on a global scale. If whites really believe that the White Woman is “superior” to Black Women why is there a constant need to degrade and demean the Black Woman through all means of mass and print media?  Why is there a constant need to remind the White Woman that she is “superior” to the Black Woman? Why is there so much effort to convince the Black Woman herself (and Black Men) that she is “inferior” to the “superior” white woman? Why are White Women spending hundreds of millions of dollars per year mass-producing and mass-implementing the uniquely beautiful characteristics of the ORIGINAL BLACK/AFRICAN WOMAN?

The Te-LIE-vision is the most destructive weapon that the White supremacists’ in power use to destroy the image and character of the Original Black Woman. Black Women, we ought know by now that we cannot depend on people who seek to destroy us and our daughters to uplift and empower us. NOW, is the time that we learn WHO WE ARE and our true status on this planet, Black Women. Their are many historians, books, documentaries, movies, videos, dvds, and other resources available online and offline that informs us to the TRUE HER-story of the Original Black Woman. There is NO EXCUSE in this day in age of why we don’t know our history. Black Women if you stop, analyze, study and asks questions about what’s really behind the degradation and  mistreatment of the Original Black Woman, then you will come to some revealing conclusions my beauties. My hope is that once you do you will re-gain your sanity, your self-esteem, and your divine crown.


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Sarah “Saartjie” Baartman ( 1789-1815): The “Hottentot Venus”


This is Sarah “Saartjie” Baartman. She was born in 1789 at  the  Gamtoos River, Eastern Cape, Dutch Empire in South Africa. She belonged to a South African cattle-herding group called the Khoikhoi or Khoisan people. The Khoisans were sometimes referred to as Bushmans or Hottentots (thus Sara’s nickname “The Hottentot Venus”) and were the original inhabitants of South Africa. The Khoisans suffered under European colonialism. The large buttocks and Asiatic eyes were distinct physical characteristics of the Khoisans and were used by Europeans as grounds to emphasize their differences from the indigenous people, categorizing them as “primitive” and “less evolved. “Sarah grew up on a colonial farm where here family worked as servants. Her mother died when she was two years old and her father, a cattle driver died by the time she reached adolescence. She married a Khoikhoi man who was a drummer and they had one child together who died shortly after birth. Colonial expansion caused conflict between the Dutch and the Khoikhoi and as a result the Khoikhoi people were absorbed into the labor system. When Sarah was sixteen, her fiance was murdered by Dutch colonist and soon afterwards sold into slavery by a Dutch slave trader named Pieter Willem Cezar. He took her to Cape Town where she became a domestic servant to his brother. She was given the name Saartjie, the Dutch diminutive for Sarah.


On October 29, 1810, Sarah allegedly signed a contract with an English ship surgeon William Dunlop, a friend of Cezar and his brother Hendrik. The terms of the contract was that Sarah would travel to England and Ireland with Dunlop and Hendrik Cezar to work as a domestic servant and for entertainment purposes. She was to receive a portion of earnings from her exhibitions and allowed to return to her home in five years. Many people have come to strongly believe that Sarah did not sign any contract because she was illiterate, she came from a cultural tradition that did not write or keep records, and the Cezar family were experiencing financial difficulties and it is strongly suspected that Sarah was used to reap them financial benefits.

Dunlop and Cezar transported Sarah all across Europe subjecting her to unimaginable exploitation and ridicule due to her unique anatomy (according to European standards). Sarah was forced to entertain white crowds (both men and women) by them looking, touching, poking, pulling, and shaking her buttocks. Dunlop and Cezar sold her to Regu, an animal trainer who exhibited, caged, and treated her like a circus animal. Due to the subhuman treatment, Sarah began to drink heavily and went into prostitution to support herself.


A “naturalist” named George Curvier “studied” Sarah as if she was a science specimen and concluded that she was a “link between animals and humans”. This reduction of Sarah’s huemanity to that of subhuman status by Cuvier has helped in the centuries old stereotyping of  ALL African peoples as an oversexed and subhuman species. Sarah died in 1815 at the age of of 26 of either alcoholism, smallpox, or pneumonia. Cuvier obtained Sarah’s remains from local police and dissected her body. He made a plaster cast of her body, pickled her brain and genitals and placed them in jars. Sarah’s remains were put on display at the Musee del’ Homme (Museum of Man) in Paris until 1974.

South African President, Nelson Mandela, requested that the French government return Sarah’s remains. She was finally laid to rest on May 6, 2002 in the town of Hankey more than 200 years after she was born.

Sarah Baartman’s Gravesite

Sarah suffered unimaginable abuse, exploitation, and humiliation from the pale European degenerates who kidnapped her from her home and subjected her to cruel and unusual treatment. Sarah’s herstory is a testament as to how the African Woman have been treated as subhuman by the European for centuries; denied her huemanity and femininity. The African Woman (especially the dark-skinned woman) today (as in Sarah’s time and before) continues to be an object of hate and envy  because of her uniquely beautiful racial features and characteristics. Sarah did not run for office, win any awards, or had any advanced degrees but she was an AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL woman and hueman being. May she now rest in peace and may we always pay homage to her and honor her memory.

Sources: “Sarah “Saartjie” Baartman. South Africa History Online. Retrieved from