Typical Self-Hating So-Called Pro-Black Negro Gives A Viciously Ugly Response to Two Young Black Women Talking About The Black Woman’s Pain From Negroes Just Like His Fake Ass *smfh*

The video above has been circulating around black spaces on the internet for about 2 to 3 weeks now. It features two young black women poets Crystal Valentine and Aaliyah Jihad speaking out about self-hating negroes and their anti-black woman rhetoric. A self-hating fake ass pro-black negro showed no empathy and responded with vitriolic anti-black woman rhetoric disguised as “pro-black” talk. Black Women are just plum tired and are speaking out more and more about these types of negroes. Read the information below to get more about this latest incident of anti-black woman rhetoric and hate:

“Kudos to you loyal sistas for remaining loyal, but I just can’t sit and be quiet for the sake of solidarity. I don’t understand why some black men can not empathize with black women like we do them. These women were clearly explaining to black men, how much it hurts them to be persecuted by the men in their own community simply for being black and female.

They want us to understand them when they speak out, but as soon as we need their compassion they replace it with anger and rage, being more concerned about protecting their male privilege and image.

They want us to understand them when they speak out, but as soon as we need their compassion they replace it with anger and rage, being more concerned about protecting their male privilege and image.

And his minions called the women misguided because how dare they question their abuse and mistreatment of black women, denying them the freedom to delightfully reap the benefits of misogynoir.

From the slander on social media by the likes of Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook, to books like blame it on Rio, to having to hear this stuff from my own brother, I’m just so tired of it all, when will it end?

Here’s what he had the nerve to say about these intelligent young sistas in the video (WARNING, extreme misogynoir, insensitive content and hate)

I’m not posting a full link, because he doesn’t need anymore clicks for that mess. So I’ll just let you all figure it out by saying it’s called dream and hustle minus the spaces dot com, yall can figure that out.

I don’t respect him at all. Basically, black women should shut up, accept how things are, and take it in stride, for black men’s benefit. It’s call “Choosing to be a victim” when we speak out. But they can complain, whine, rant and go off anytime they feel mistreated, discriminated against or attacked any time they pleas and expect us to stand beside them with our fists in the air shouting black power.

It’s not fair to us, at all.”- Fed Up Black Woman

“A Grown Black Man Response to Crystal Valentine & Aaliyah Jihad – “To Be Black and Woman and Alive”

I see why ugly sistas love salt and vinegar flavored potato chips because that’s all their ugly behind got to offer this world, some salty hate and vitreous vinaigrette. This video came across my social media wire and I quickly severed the social media connection to that chick immediately for even passing along this cray cray crap. In this article, let’s review this video or poem or whatever this crap is and give an honest assessment from a black man and how we black men should respond.

The first order of business is to check out the video 

The very first words that come out of their mouth was mocking us brothas with some “I’m just saying..if she ain’t got no booty, I ain’t trying to hit it..” and I’m sitting here thinking that maybe I should be trying to hit it even if she ain’t got no booty. So you see where this is all going..some of the dumbest most illogical cray cray shit coming out of these ugly ass sistas mouth. Yeah, I said they are ugly because they are ugly and they look and act like the shit stains on my drawas. I’m just saying, none of them got a booty and I’m damn sure not interested in hitting it either. If I was a young black male student and walked by them, I would clutch my textbooks and be like “ugghh!” and walk on by practicing in my head how to say “ni hao” to the chicks I’m trying to holla at – that’s just being honest and truthful and that’s what we going to be in this article.ni hao…ni hao…ni hao!

The one thing you learn when you grow up around adversity and negativity is never become ugly like the environment around you – rise above it to be the shining star you are meant to be. Never become a victim or a reactionary to the negative environment you are surround in. If you do become bitter to the negativity, then you become a byproduct of the negative stuff and you will never be the beautiful and shining person you could have been. Because all you will end up being is ugly and that’s what these sistas in this video are, just ugly.


These negative ugly sistas reminded me of Jason Black and Dr. Umar Johnson who are also some ugly ass brothas who doing the same thing as these chicks – blaming other people and whining and acting angry on a stage platform with people in the audience agreeing with that negative platform they are on. We black people have choices in our life when we grow up around adversity where we can choose to become a victim or choose to rise above the negative and be greater.

You ever noticed I say I’m from the West Side of Chicago but you never hear me talk about I was drug dealing or gang-banging and shit like that? You hear these other cats be trying to brag to you about they grew up hard and did dirt and stuff like trying to brag on the negative environment to get some cool points or whatever. No, what you see me doing is handling serious business, showing brothas and sistas in the hood how to do for self, talk to you guys how to code this and create a solution on this and adopt global practices and patterns and I talk directly to brothas and sistas. And people in the Global Urban Collective know I’m putting in extra work to help build collaborative progress for brothas and sistas to make moves. I didn’t allow myself to become a victim – I rose above the negative people and environment and become the person who will give a damn about the West Side of Chicago and any hood out there and work to empower my people, my community and our younger generation to have it better than me coming up.

These two ugly ass broads chosen to express themselves as negative whiny victims – I don’t give a fuck about their ugly ass or their stupid ass poem and they can go suicide themselves like the rest of those dark-skinned red lip stick wearing sistas because they chose to be a victim and not a conqueror of the negative environment that we all are dealing with. You ain’t going to win a damn thing in life being an ugly victim but you will win immediately when you decide you not going to allow this negative environment make you a negative victim and choose instead to dedicate your life to rising above your situation.We black men are going to do what the fuck we want to do and if we brothas don’t like flat booty dark skinned broads, then we don’t fucking like flat booty dark skinned broads. A bunch of ugly ass broads citing some cray cray poetic bullshit ain’t going to change the way we brothas think either. I really don’t like dating black chicks in 2015 either after all the bullshit I dealt with the sistas. What you sistas don’t get and what you missing the whole point is the reason why we brothas stop dating your flat booty dark skinned ass in the first place.

You sistas were negative and full of shit – we brothas decided we are not going to become victims of a negative environment where sistas using cops to attack black men, using the court system to keep a black man away from his children, fucking knuckleheads instead of marrying black men, conspire with liberals to abort our unborn black children and undermine First Lady Michelle Obama watching a show call Scandal and then watch reality TV of sistas fighting each other. No, we brothas made the decision to rise above the negative environment you sistas brought forth and find something better – I found a lot of Arab sistas, Indian sistas, Chinese sistas and Catholic Latina sistas who have core values and show outward respect for the black man that respect himself and made something out of himself and so has a lot of other brothas.

Stop being an ugly ass sista and rise the fuck up from the negative environment you keeping yourself in. “

14 thoughts on “Typical Self-Hating So-Called Pro-Black Negro Gives A Viciously Ugly Response to Two Young Black Women Talking About The Black Woman’s Pain From Negroes Just Like His Fake Ass *smfh*

  1. “I don’t give a fuck about their ugly ass or their stupid ass poem and they can go suicide themselves like the rest of those dark-skinned red lip stick wearing sistas because they chose to be a victim and not a conqueror of the negative environment that we all are dealing with. You ain’t going to win a damn thing in life being an ugly victim but you will win immediately when you decide you not going to allow this negative environment make you a negative victim and choose instead to dedicate your life to rising above your situation.We black men are going to do what the fuck we want to do and if we brothas don’t like flat booty dark skinned broads, then we don’t fucking like flat booty dark skinned broads. A bunch of ugly ass broads citing some cray cray poetic bullshit ain’t going to change the way we brothas think either.”
    This is NOT a pro-black person at all. I wish a lot of these guys would just shut the HELL UP!!! There’s a lot of work to be done. These fools like him just make it worse on all of us. I know as men and women we will not always see eye to eye. I don’t know what it’s like to be a woman. That’s a different perspective than my own. I just try to relate as best I can. But this guy is just OUT there! He is way past the bounds of being disrespectful.
    Then he has the nerve to say this:
    “I found a lot of Arab sistas, Indian sistas, Chinese sistas and Catholic Latina sistas who have core values and show outward respect for the black man that respect himself and made something out of himself and so has a lot of other brothas.”
    That is down right shameful!! He is pathetic and not a real man in my opinion. I get tired of men and women who do this. There are sistas who promote interracial dating with white men. Some say black men are useless,thugs,dead beat dads and worthless. Then they say they care about the plight of the black community. Are they serious?lol I’m really sick of it all. These type of black people confuse our community. We have so many fakers and phonies around us. we need some real guidelines and code of conduct. I may have to do a post about it. All this talk about “I’m so conscious” and “pro-black” is becoming meaningless. And other races are making fun of us. We look like clowns making dumb ass statements like this guy. I’ve been to his blog a few times. he has some good stuff on economics and how to start a business. But it ends there. He’s an anti-black,self hating bitch ass COWARD!! It’s time to call some of these fools out!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. right on the money as always KP.. I barely made it through that guy’s commentary without throwing up in my mouth a little. If you ask me, he sounds just like another Tommy Sotomayor. Hell I’m willing to believe he’s a loyal stan of Tommy’s

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      1. and what strikes me also is that HE himself is a classic example of what these sistas in the video were referring to.. and another thing, I went to that guy’s blog and he’s advertising the White Man Jesus in one of his articles… And all of his articles are replete with tired respectability politics narratives.. and in regards to his hate-filled commentary on those two women in the video, I know a certain verbal blogger who would agree with him hands down….

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      2. I just keep it moving. I don’t bother engaging these type of people anymore. Be they men or women. These type of blacks have given up on the struggle. They just want to date non-blacks and bash the opposite sex whenever they can. That’s it in a nutshell. If I were to engage these people it would just be a shouting match. And what does that achieve? I have challenged some of the ignorant ghetto behavior of some black women. But I do it in a more respectful manner. I don’t need to insult them. Now if they get ignorant with me I can give it back to them also. People will call me a simp or mangina because I love black women. That’s not the case. You’re not a simp because you want to repair your community and uplift your sistas. We should NOT reward ignorant ghetto behavior. But just bashing and bashing and bashing black women ALL damn day is redundant. It gets old!

        Liked by 2 people

    2. @ KP
      “I’m really sick of it all. These type of black people confuse our community. We have so many fakers and phonies around us. we need some real guidelines and code of conduct. I may have to do a post about it. All this talk about “I’m so conscious” and “pro-black” is becoming meaningless. And other races are making fun of us. ”

      I’m feeling you bro. All the backstabbing, backbiting, infighting, anti-blackness, misogynoir, fake-ness and more is just so so very tiring. Sometimes I just feel like re-tiring from blogging and fighting for the black community. It’s just seems so pointless. I don’t know what to do at times. And this fool had the nerve to try to be complimentary while putting these sistas down. smfh. I believe I figured out his site; dreamhustle.com (for those who don’t follow like the sista said don’t give him any more clicks). Is that right? If so, I’m soooo glad I don’t follow him cause if I did best believe he would have lost another follower. BTW, I can’t wait for that post, it would be interesting!

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      1. I also agree with you about arguing with these people. It’s a waste of time. If they don’t get it they don’t get it.


      2. Yeah it wears you down after awhile. I just keep on pushing though. I don’t let the trolls,racists,self-haters and the unconscious sway me from my mission. It’s not easy at times. The internet hatred can take a toll on you. But I have faith. But I know where you’re coming from. Keep going though. Don’t let them stop you. We’re in a war right now! It’s a spiritual battle more than anything.


  2. Their poetry, which is on point and beautiful btw, clearly hit a nerve with him. He is obviously in deep denial, doesn’t like himself and/or feels guilty, and instead of recognizing these things, he takes it out on innocent bystanders that did nothing but call him out on his bullshit. No Black man is pro-Black if flat butts or dark skin or self-expressing Black women don’t make the cut. What a clown.

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  3. A few weeks ago, I was watching this sistah on Youtube she has a channel called, BlackEducationTV and on one of her videos this white man commented and said “you niggers are so pathetic, you would never see a white man get on the internet and bash white women” and for once I will agree with the racist, on that point alone. Even though all the other races have their issues, you would never see a white man get on youtube and make videos and entire channels dedicated to bashing their women. You wouldn’t see an Arab man do it, you wouldn’t see a Chinese, Japanese, Korean Malaysian or Indonesian man do it, you wouldn’t see East Indians, Latino men, hell you wouldn’t see AFRICAN men or black Caribbean men do it. I’m talking about our brothers and sisters in the mother land and the islands. Even they wouldn’t stoop so low, because they understand that when the shit hits the fan, they can put their differences aside and work for a common good. But some of our brothers here in the west, particularly that jackass who made that rant, calling those two beautiful young women ugly, they think they sound so good when they spout off shit like this. They don’t even realize they’re playing right into the hands of the enemy….. it’s really sick

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    1. @ Chrystal Emma

      Even though all the other races have their issues, you would never see a white man get on youtube and make videos and entire channels dedicated to bashing their women. You wouldn’t see an Arab man do it, you wouldn’t see a Chinese, Japanese, Korean Malaysian or Indonesian man do it, you wouldn’t see East Indians, Latino men, hell you wouldn’t see AFRICAN men or black Caribbean men do it

      It really is sick…..and embarrassing! These Negros just don’t know how bad they look in front of the world. These non-blacks may laugh along and agree with them, but when it comes down to the come down they (non-blacks) don’t and won’t respect them (self-hating negroes) as men.

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  4. I found this poem or poetry slam by Crystal Valentine and Aaliyah Jihad extraordinary, blunt, energetic. But I found the response by this loser who don’t know what’s the name of this jackass is hurtful, disappointing piece of immature stupidity and ignorance. He just basically bullied these people for the reason of speaking the truth in the matter. We do NOT choose to be victims. Society made us that way and we are retaliating it, against everything and everyone to make ourselves heard, respected and valued for once. This guy, childish boy can’t even handle the struggles these women faced and instead of being a pillar he like many other Black guys, search for lesser women who they can control instead of motivate him. It’s very sad that only Black men denigrate their own kind, their own flesh and bone and choose other races to “improve” their genes. And that’s what’s white supremacy wants: “If we don’t cast them out, We breed them out.”

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